The month of July will always be about Roy. Not because it was the month of his passing, but rather the month that his friends, family, and the Nordic Ski community came together to commemorate the importance of his life.

This year marks the sixth year that the Royllerski Event is being held. The event is not so much about how much you can do, but more importantly, how much fun you have doing it. I encourage you all as individuals, family, friends, groups, etc. to take some time this month and do something together. A joint effort hiking up a mountain could be the equivalent of the goal set for the event. 

In the meantime, I continue to find solace in music and lyrics; they too have been part of my memory bank of Roy. I have always felt that we are all here for a purpose. We may not know what that is, but I believe there are always signs and situations that occur to help direct that path. 

Last month, I was scrolling through my Instagram and saw a young artist in a room with a variety of musical instruments. He reminded me a bit of Roy, in the way that he couldn’t stand still. He was jumping from the piano to the guitar, to the percussion, and then then back. All while creating some beautiful music. I decided to unmute and spend a few minutes watching and listening to his story. The song he sang was called.”More To This”. This song, as well as Willie Nelson‘s” “Butterfly” song, have come together not only to help me understand Roy’s character but also that there is more to this life than we know.

These songs have true meaning in them that makes me stop and think a lot. Whenever a random butterfly flies by, or wind-chimes blowing on a windless day occurs, it reinforces in my mind that there is more to this life than we know.

From one friend to another who has lost a loved one, it doesn’t get any easier, but I think that finding solace in something as a way to help remember is the best advice I can give.

Enjoy the month